(as of – Details)
When Stephen Wolfram’s groundbreaking A New Kind of Science was published in 2002, its exploration and analysis of the computational universe of simple programs launched a scientific revolution. Twenty years later, the ideas and results of the book have found countless applications across science, technology and elsewhere—including the recent Wolfram Physics Project and its breakthrough in fundamental physics—and the book has indeed spawned what can only be described as a new kind of science.
Here Wolfram reflects on the first two decades of A New Kind of Science, discussing some of the major implications that have emerged so far, as well as his far-reaching new thinking building on the conceptual framework developed in A New Kind of Science. Written in Wolfram’s popular and accessible style, the book provides a window into one of the most vibrant intellectual developments of our time.
Recognizing A New Kind of Science’s significance not only in science but also in the arts, the book includes a gallery of pieces created over the past 20 years by artists inspired by the book.
Also available as part of the A New Kind of Science 20th Anniversary Limited Edition Boxed Set
Publisher : Wolfram Media, Inc. (March 15, 2023)
Publication date : March 15, 2023
Language : English
File size : 187279 KB
Text-to-Speech : Not enabled
Enhanced typesetting : Not Enabled
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Word Wise : Not Enabled
Sticky notes : Not Enabled
Print length : 384 pages
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