Read also: Updated Guide to the Hermès Leather Appointment System in Paris 2024
Shopping at Hermès in Paris has changed. Based on current insights, it is becoming more and more challenging to be offered a bag in a lottery or walk-in leather appointment. Many remember a time when securing a leather appointment, either by lottery or walk-in, often led to a bag offer. According to recent reports over the past 2 years, that trend has notably shifted.
Our purpose here is to share reports we receive from our community members and allow you to draw your own conclusions. If you travel to Paris with the hopes of returning with a Hermès bag it is best to manage your expectations.
Hermès Paris Leather Walk-In Appointment
The leather desk at all 3 Paris Hermès locations are flooded with walk-in requests from the time the doors open to closing time every day. In 2023, customers could secure a walk-in appointment and score a Constance and possibly a quota bag.
Recently, reports indicate such outcomes are increasingly rare. While success stories exist, more report being turned away disappointed. Many granted an appointment often are offered a Picotin or Herbag with a response that there are no Birkins or Kellys available that day. Size 25s and Mini Kellys are even more rare.
Walk-in appointments are granted based on a number of factors each day:
- Availability of SAs working that day;
- Stock levels;
- Desire of the SA working the leather desk;
- Pure luck and timing;
- Your Paris Hermès profile;
- And additional unknown factors
Hermès Leather Lottery Appointments
Many hopeful shoppers apply for lottery appointments daily, sometimes over multiple days spanning a week or more, without success. Some try using a French VPN from other countries only to be disappointed day after day.
So who is getting these elusive lottery appointments, and how many are available each day?
Experienced Hermès shoppers know to apply between 10:30 am and 6:30 pm local Paris time the day before the desired appointment. Hermès is closed on Sundays so be sure to apply on Saturday for a Monday appointment.
The number of available appointments vary day to day. Factors include:
- Number of SAs working that day;
- Amount of stock or shipments received;
- Number of pre-arranged appointments SAs may have that day;
- The time of year (whether near a fashion week, holiday, or other event);
- Additional unknown factors.
Rumor or Reality: You Be The Judge
A Lottery Appointment is Based on One’s Profile
Whether the Hermès online lottery appointment system is random, a matter of pure luck, or in some way tied to any amount of pre-spend cannot be confirmed. The consensus is that the system is random and every attempt is a gamble worth trying.
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Every Shopping Experience at Hermès is Unique
Each shopper’s Hermès journey is completely different, in Paris and at one’s home location. Comparisons may be tempting but rarely useful, as every experience can vary significantly.
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Sales Associate Relationships
Hermès policies can shift daily. Many report SAs in Paris are reluctant to share their contact information unless a relationship is established over several visits. Others report their longstanding SA is unable to secure pre-arranged leather appointments as previously done, advising clients instead to check with the leather desk upon arrival. Even some locals report difficulty building or maintaining a Sales Associate relationship and securing the contact information unless this was established in the past.
Still others continue to have relationships with their Paris SA despite changes. If you secured a SA in Paris in 2022 or earlier, it is possible you may still be able to make pre-arranged appointments with them.
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/* ]]> */
Quota Bag Offers
The majority of shoppers who receive a leather appointment, via the online lottery or as a walk-in, request a Mini Kelly and/or Kelly Pochette. Based on community members reports, the likelihood of receiving a mini bag is rare.
Others report that although a size 25 Birkin or Kelly is often “unavailable”, a larger size Kelly or Birkin is sometimes possible.
It appears that the smallest and most coveted bags such as the mini Kelly, Kelly Pochette, Birkin 20, size 25 bags, and limited edition bags are generally reserved for VIP clients with pre-established SAs, influencers visiting during fashion week, celebrities, and others who may get very lucky.
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Encouragement to Shop Locally
Many SAs in Paris are discouraged from sharing their contact information in an effort to encourage their clients to focus on their home boutiques and remain loyal to their local SA.
However, if you do shop in Paris, some suggest primarily shopping in one location to build your profile, suggesting that spreading purchases out among the 3 boutiques may dilute the overall impact of your spending profile.
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/* ]]> */
Pre-spend Expectations
A Hermès Sales Associate will never state that pre-spend is required. Nevertheless, establishing a profile in Paris shows loyalty to the brand and a desire to own a piece of luxury from Hermès.
Some clients report their SA informed them the bags offered that day were the “only bags available.” Their impression was that based on the amount of pre-spend on that visit the SA was authorized to only offer the bags presented. Others report having been told by their SA that a pre-spend of 3:1 may be required to be offered a mini Kelly.
There will always be the occasional report of a shopper with zero or little pre-spend who secures a leather appointment and is offered a quota bag. It appears that these occurrences are becoming less frequent.
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/* ]]> */
Concierge Appointments
Obtaining a leather appointment from a concierge at a 5-star hotel in Paris is still possible. It appears to be limited to the hotel’s repeat, well-established VIP clientele with an extended stay in Paris.
When a leather appointment is secured by the concierge it is usually with the caveat that the appointment does not guarantee the offer of a quota bag.
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Declare All Purchases Made Abroad
Upon entering the U.S. from Paris be sure to declare all purchases with a Customs official. Have your receipts and purchases available to show the officer. There is a risk of a heavy fine, penalty, and possible revocation of your Global Entry privileges if you deceive Customs.
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Manage Expectations
Shopping for a quota bag in Paris has become challenging. Travel with the expectation that you might leave without a bag and focus on enjoying Paris for its food, sights, culture, and shopping. While some may get lucky and get the bag of their dreams, many others will not.
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Visit the Hermès boutiques for their beauty, experience, stock, and to buy what you love and cannot find in your home boutique. Let the rest unfold organically.
Share your Paris shopping experience by visiting here. Remember managing your expectations is the key to avoiding disappointment and enjoying your trip.
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Love, PurseBop
The post Rumor or Reality: Is It Really Getting Harder to Score a Hermès Bag in Paris? appeared first on PurseBop.